Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Purple Skies....

Blooming around I see the purple sky
Dipping is the sun into calm twilight...
Feels like these skies lay like a blanket
tucking the sun good night....

Night comes by, twinkling stars studded so divine..
Pretty does the moon smile,
with a dimple on its cheek and doe bright eyes
with colorful planets and shooting stars sometimes

Making this little angel smiling coy in mother's warmth and vibe..
Oh.. ! come back again.. my purple sky,
to light up the glow in my little baby's eye...
to make this world beautiful with your shine and smile
to live anther day with a new purpose to come by...


Saturday, February 11, 2012

BUZZ.. is that.....

Buzz is that life cant wait for you to react.. things keep running out.. and u stand still.. waiting , wondering, wishing, hiding, pretending, being fearful or simply living envious of either the skies and limits beyond it... or the heavenly indulgences beneath the stratosphere....!!!
 Voice is one such spoken mirth i'v longed to live for years now..... a quest for understanding "ME", knowing its vices and simply setting my worth free of its conscious limits..... wonder why we struggle so hard to live....to feel and bask in those meadows of joy... just as a child.. so simple.. unbound.. innocent.. yet aware... keeping all his senses alive.. and still feeling coy and secure... into nothing of his world....
This celebration is what i reach to.....
Welcome all... to my world... of joy... madness.. simplicity... craziness...screams... sobs...and simply probably a sweet pretence of living happy in spite of all those bumpy rides we'v come across so far.....